Wednesday 20 September 2006

The Dorm and I

It's true I have a somewhat relaxed approach when it comes to some daily routines compared to others and this might be connected with being more child-like.

To me the Dorm is central because for a good period of my school life that was my "Home base" where I did my homework and slept under the rules of the school and the house master enforcing them.

To a very large extent I learned to live by somebody else's rules, finding the spaces that gave me liberty between them with the dorm being inspected.

Given some of the stuff at home at that time I felt very secure and safe in what today some might see as a rather austere regimented system.

Back then there was little chance of living as the sissy I was in school dressed as I preferred although girls did when we could get away with it dress me up in uniform and practise make up and perfume so I am glad some things are starting to change for today's youngsters.

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