Wednesday 27 March 2024

Displaying our models

Making models was something we did as boys and girls back in the day from popular plastic kits, carefully following the instructions joining a group of parts together at a time using plastic cement.

The other sort were made from lightweight balsa wood fitted by grooved slots or plastic couplers.

It was unusual for girls to join in and as fur us gurls, well forget it but at least in today's more enlightened times the rest of us would be bought and encouraged to join in, learning new skills and STEM knowledge.

We then would apply the decals on sheet cutting of the one we needed one by one so all the markings were neatly done before showing to our friends, teachers and other adults we knew.

I loved this part of childhood heaps.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Sissy gurl allys

Pasts come into play and we've talked about birthdays recently not least because what sadly was missing from the last two birthdays was not just the closest feminine influence on me but also in time coming out.

There were in my earlier years others that I talked a lot a lot about this with such as Linda who found the idea of a boy not wishing to be socially at least one hard to get her head around initially and Louise who did a total deconstruction job on the state of my clitty in the presence other girls as present you looked scarlet.

Between them they removed me from available boy to sissy gurl plaything.

But what is being a sissy gurls ally really all about given you've had this feeling you didn't really fit in where you'd been told and expected you would?

I guess it is that they try to find out where you do and support you in being more of yourself like a friend I had in residential college did that I came out to where I was dressing femme.

It may involve encouraging you to dress as you feel, taking pictures for posterity that mutual friends in future might see and them actively encouraging and pushing you to dress as your sissy self at least in front of them, using your sissy name in public.

Them telling you they WANT you in dresses from now on as they've seen how calm and happy you are following your true destiny as a sissy gurl.

It takes a special kind of sister to unravel and bring out the sissy gurl in all hur frilliness from within her brother capturing that for posterity, seeing you at your happiest.

An sissy gurl ally I'd say spends the time to learn all about you, exploring and even cajoling you to let it out.

She will take you to the lingerie shop to buy your first girlie panties and may be that matching bra before heading home to put you in them, getting you to open up more, talking with her with your sissiness exposed before working on getting you into short little girl dresses.

She finds ways of being dominant as you just melt.

Your life moves more and more in accordance with what you are as they ensure you can never go back to where you were.

That's what a Sissy Gurl Ally is.

With thanks to all that made sissikins come out with it.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Integrated Brownie

The genius of this post is a long as this blog goes which is to say when you are a sissy gurl who was brought up on paper at least as a boy many of your social connections  and memories are influenced by the gender divide and this was true of Scouting.

It wasn't that contact with with "the enemy" wasn't always stopped and sometimes even sanctioned as for instance I might of been directed to sit with and even work together with a girl just most activities were self contained so you may as well of come from two different lands.

The thing was sometimes actual integration of gender divided units did happen such as joint camps where Cubs and Brownies while in separate units did take part in shared activities even if you may of had specific time toward your badgework.

The Americans for reasons best kept to themselves styled themselves as Girl Scouts even if they had a Brownies section and these two handbooks form a part of that outlining the program to transition to the next level and around understanding the world around you and all within it.

Sometimes people try to say Scouts has a different and better feel to it than Girl Guiding but both contain elements of each other and while scouts has a more rugged image, Girl Guiding isn't all uber gentile or a soft option.

Tammy could of easily belong in that first picture in more enlightened times as the first person in the second row from the front dressed then in hur Brown Tunic in with the girls as a gurl or today in a simple brown pleated skirt, presenting femininely.

Yes you may of needed separate space for changing for reasons of modesty but that could be easily provided but for the Tammy's of this world it would of been a sensible solution, placed and under the rules of feminine section but not cut off from the boys finding a balanced approach as a gurl, able to do more girly things but join in kickabouts just like Tomboys.

Tammy is a modern Brownie as  Gurl.

Wednesday 6 March 2024



Well, it comes around every twelve months with its complications like the ungurly presents some do insist on presenting you with but it is actually here although last years was all messed up and with visitors you might be a bit constrained about how you want to dress on what is your birthday.

Whatever the challenges you may face, a sissies birthday is always better with suitably sissy presents like soft frilly knickers with lace trimming and you'll almost certainly find a way of putting them on YOUR day won't you, sissy?

While I don't know about any other presents and they can always be added as an update I do the know the Super Audio cd of Genesis's Selling England By The Pound by Analogue Productions as part of the Atlantic 75 years anniversary delayed from last November is here.

Given the record version was acclaimed, I'm looking forward to spinning this disc

There will be a fuller write up around the 2004-2005 installment of Now Millennium but this gathering of notable tracks from those two years will help bringing back the sounds of that era coupled with a book about the artists and times.

I'm sure there will be some money to put towards a few other purchases looking towards Easter and Summer get together and unlike last year we'll have a small meal together at a local pub, something we always did when Mom was alive and something that didn't happen last time as that's been booked.

It's MY birthday and going forward the only thing that matters is being true to my own sissy self and it begins by acknowledging it today.