Wednesday 25 May 2016

Being an Edwardian Gurl

I find the past interesting not least looking at past fashions at our local Museum  in this bit of the Midlands and little girl fashions is one subsection of  that.

Sears of Chicago, Illinois had this to offer in 1914 what British people would instinctive call the Edwardian era cos they define things by the Monarch on the Throne but I think you can spot some timeless elements like the collars, relative simplicity of the dresses and the Ribbon in your head, something that's making quite a comeback over here in the UK in the last few years.

The Bloomers look really charming!
Meanwhile, this side of atlantic  near the end of World War One, you can some complete outfits it's the frocks * and head wear that get my attention like the Straw Hat, like I've never worn one in my entire life.

I could just picture meeting a group of similar attired children at a Summer Party out of doors back then as a little sissy gurl.

The Edwardian era was one of change of styles from those that went back toward the 18th Century to after 1910 when the more streamlined Sailor based look came including navy Gym Tunics which remain a part of schoolgirl uniform today.

The site link below is actually pretty interesting for documenting those changes and even has colouring pages to print off and colour!
(*=In the form of English they speak here, a Frock is a woman's dress or gown)

I'd love to of experienced dressing up all Edwardian as a sissy gurl!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Dandy Summer Special 2016

It's been a bright and sunny weekend as we moved towards Whitsun and from that point on thoughts turn to hols, that big boyhood treat that mixed sun, sandcastles, ice creams, excursions out and fun in parks and amazement arcades with loud sounds and megatons of action.

There was always one accessory to all that back then and it was the Summer Special that your favourite comics tended to have such as Warlord, the Beano and naturally, The Dandy.

This week this years new-old Dandy Summer Special comes out with our favourite characters like Winker Watson still in Greytowers after all these years that I so identify with as a forever boy in his grey shorts.

I'm so looking forward to reading it!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Disability and Discipline


There is one subject that I'd like to talk about on this blog which I do have views on.

While good arguments can be made for punishing people for things they could do but didn't especially if they had negative consequences for others, I do feel it is wrong to punish somebody for something that they had little or no control over such as stammering, being unable to write neatly, forgetting because of memory problems and so on.

This was something I did see occasionally in school and quite often in the workplace where it was just presumed everybody there had no disabilities and from that there were no excuses period for not being able or struggling with a task.

What as individual you needed was either support in the the task or or some extra tuition to master a task on a one to one basis which was something I had to fight tooth and nail for even at the risk of alienating some colleagues who though this help for me was somehow a threat or  unfairness to them.

Not  work reviews that seemed to be every other week sapping your confidence or any chastisement that if we'd of just refused to do right would of been justified and disability shouldn't prevent you for getting it.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

The blossoms are out!

Spring has finally sprung here at  with what Tammy's might be a warm mini season this weekend which will be welcomed  after last weekends damp squid so the layers can come off and the gingham dresses go on.

This entry is very much hot of the press as I went out this morning first thing with an idea in mind for this blog entry, put my shoes on and took a few pictures. One I liked was that of our cherry blossoms as I just love the shade of pink they have being a highlight of year when they emerge.

I'm fortunate this part of the North-west Midlands has lovely countryside even woods in walking distance I can just visit and just spent time just watching nature at its own more less hectic timescale.