Age dysphoric discipline

The first thing to say upon opening this page is everything in it applies to an legal adult and is not about any Actual child whateoever.

Being Age Dysphoric means I am developmentally a child of my era with a chronological age that today is that of a legal adult permanently neither age playing a role as a child nor regressing back to being one.

In the period I experienced childhood, it was accepted by everyone that whoever you were with had the right to discipline you in the absence of your parents and  in accordance with their own principals because as a boy or girl you were in their care and your parents were not asked by anyone for their approval. 

If you were with a friend, if your friend was spanked for some offence and you did the same then so were you.

This was as much true of being at the home of a boy your were friends with playing as it was at church, cubs or brownies as it was in school except your school had policies that were communicated to your parents because they chose to send you to it.

As a child therefore you knew as I did whenever you broke a rule whoever you were with was going to discipline you for it and that was that.

As that Age Dysphoric adult of ten the conventions of that era in disciplining me for dishonourable, disobedient and defiant behaviour and attitudes apply today as that developmentally child in an an adult aged body.

As a little of my childhood era adults have the right to spank me by hand, slipper or other implement  when I break the rules whenever they feel I deserve it. They have the last word.

It is held by children and adults in our era that the physical chastisement  by deliberately inflicting short-lived sharp pain on our bottoms teaches us to change our attitudes and behaviour by ourselves to avoid severe discomfort we feel

As that Age Dysphoric child brought up in the spanking system "Deemed Adults" in relationships to me continue to discipline the adult child through the strict but fair use of corporal punishment as of right, as they feel I need it.

Tammy wants Grown Ups to spank hur.

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