Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas 2009

So it happens to be Christmas, for this little my favourite time of year outside of summer hols so what do we have?
Well, I'm LSG which I'm sure you may of noticed if you read this blog which basically means it's a similar christmas to when I was officially a child but being neither a girl or boy exclusively by gender so first off I have the Beano annual just like I had back then.

While it's changed a little to take in what boys and girls now are looking for and what given Dennis the Menace has a tv series tv can accept, it's still recognizable and a barrel of fun with quizzes and activities apart from the cartoons.
The Dandy seemed for a period unsure of where it really was but of late has gone back to a more traditional take on itself and the annual takes in old favourites like Desperate Dan and Korky the cat and adds newer things such as Bananaman.

I went out for lunch with my mummy and daddy so we could just spend time together and not in the kitchen.

I had some money to put toward some cds and dvds  and new pair of gloves.

Friday 18 December 2009

Mud - Lonely This Christmas (Official Video)

This is a favourite of mine from the mid 1970's when we used to gather around the tv looking at what would be the seasonal hit of the year. Merry Christmas everyone.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Princess Nine

Well Crunchyroll people did you seriously think I'd stopped buying and for that matter viewing anime off site?

For one thing spotting a NEO article that referenced the 1998 girls baseball anime Princess Nine I managed to track down the complete R1 DVD out of print  series for about $15!

Ryo Haykawa from the baseball anime Princess Nine

Wednesday 9 December 2009

The days of yore

The past may seem a way off, for present generations almost another country for the customs and way of life for present generations and yet for all that when I go back in time it seems just like yesterday.

A life where we spent most of our time out of doors and although it is fanciful to say "but you didn't have the online games to play we had" we did have the tv and music but we were strongly encouraged to leave that behind.

Thus it wasn't so surprising that summers were spent around the roses or in parks. 

The one negative of that era for me was the heavy handed gender expression policing that went on with boys who were like me being deliberately humiliated and insulted by other males not least teachers for the slightest breach of the then "real men and boys code" being called a "jessie" or a "big girls blouse" conflicting gender identity, sexuality with just being feminine but otherwise a "straight" male.

It said more about their failures and hang ups

Boys like me could and did do rough and tough play as did girls but while they might be teased a little called a "Tom Boy" it was tolerated more in them.

All we wanted was to wear a dress and skirt, playing and  following whatever interested us.

Today I call myself a little sissy gurl or a feminine boy cos while I don't feel a boy, you can't remove all your male sex stuff at birth no matter what.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy (DVD)

Now this sure brings back memories at back in the Winter of 1981 this tv adaptation of the Douglas Adams novels that had become an acclaimed radio series was put out by the BBC.

Back the we only had three tv channels!!!!
It was at the cutting edge the of robotics with Zaphod Beeblebrox's heads.
To summarize Arthur Dent (an ape-descendant whose anger at the apparently inexplicable destruction of his home planet Earth, situated in an obscure corner of the outer spiral arm of the galaxy, is expressed in frequent irritation at friendly automatic doors and vending machines) is joined by travelling companions, Ford Prefect (an itinerant towel-carrying hitch-hiker originally from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse), Zaphod Beeblebrox (the notorious ex-Galactic President and patron of Eccentrica Galumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six) and Marvin the Paranoid Android (who's still suffering from that terrible pain in all the diodes down his left side).
While some aspects may not work quite as well as the radio series it has a certain charm about it and the comparatively low budget effects help to keep your attention on the story allowing some classic one liners to hit you.

This is the 2002 BBC DVD PAL R2/4 box set with a extras disc.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

I bought this 6 dvd set that includes all twenty-six episodes of the first season the `Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle' anime a while back but - as ever - have only just gotten around to opening it!

The series follows Sakura and Syaoran as they search for Sakura's memories which have been scattered across numerous parallel worlds in the form of feathers. Joining them on their journey are the warrior Kurogane, the mage Fai, or Fye, together with magical ball of fluff Mokona.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle's is highly enjoyable anime series that has some nice characters and an interesting plot. Regarding the English dub it is relatively good and the soundtrack is beautiful. The series does have a brief crossover with `xxxHolic', which was nice, and it is just a sad that the `xxxHolic' anime didn't follow suit.

Clamp fans will recognize Syaoran and Sakura from Cardcaptors (Disc three has the story of their childhood past) and indeed some might suggest this is a more shonen take on that story but whilst there is some truth in it this goes deeper into the characters.

Highly recommended

Here's a nice picture with Fai, Kurogane, Syaroan and Sakura from this CLAMP series

Wednesday 25 November 2009

I'm just a sissy gurl trying to find their way

You saw that direction pole in the public park near the side walk with loads of arrows on it, well I'm the boy it just confused cos it seemed to have so many different directions each going off at a tangent.

And that's how my life's kinda been from early childhood seeing the signs following them but never really ending up with any clear cut ideas about who I was and more to the point which direction I was headed.

I'd think I had a plan and then find something would throw me off track like wanting to go to University but fluffing up on my qualifications because I had a nervous breakdown and then being told you'll just have to be factory worker instead as if that would interest me.

Cos the thing is I'm so interested things I want to know all about them and that whole turn out 500 of the same thing day in day out wasn't gonna do it for me OR the possibilities would be so large I couldn't make my mind up and end up all paralyzed mentally from it so nothing happened.

I'm getting better in my years at making things happen but I'm no natural.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Football reminiscences


Cool November mornings tend to bring back memories of our football sessions not just the informal kickabouts but the structured football matches we played in juniors against others where typically two or three year groups would combine to form two teams of eleven each with substitutes.

Back then girls just NEVER played football where mixed teams are common today but a boy who say rubbish at cricket could not play netball with the girls.

That's progress for you.

The smell of damp earthy soil and feel of mud on your socks and legs are ingrained in my memory.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

I am a sissy gurl

 It may sound the stupidest thing around but really that's what I feel and wish for because I've had these sissy gurl feelings for ages even with the idea of seeing females as superiors over me.

Cos it's 2009, it's easier to explore these things, no more underground magazines, no more phonelines like it was in 1987 when I used to ring them and wonder why my parents blow their tops on £12 "premium line" numbers wondering just who clocked up such bills  or using payphones to hear such things I can just search online and sort between the kind of more less overly sexual sissy spots and the others that don't do it for me.

The other thing is you just don't realize how many others have the same ideas, fantasies, notions of what to be a gender apart really exists.

It all just confirms what I am: a Sissy Gurl.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

A busy week for Tammy

The remembrance day parade is a big thing with me all turned out in your uniform looking very smart making your way to the service.

Tammy like most of hur peers belonged in Brownies even if in the reality of those times most I spent my time around were in Cubs.

Outside of that the other big thing is Halloween which a great thing for gurls as we can be more "out" where sadly it isn't always possible to be as people are more focused on your outfit rather than exactly why you may be wearing it and I prefer being more obviously girlie.

Then there's Guy Fawkes night with bonfires, fireworks displays and sparklers you can wave around making funny shapes or spelling names with.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Out with the old!

I first started buying DVD's about 2002 but It was only those titles that went straight to first time DVD release plus a few classic TV and Music releases I bought leaving a legacy of titles I had to use my trusty S-VHS recorder for.
At long long last I have been replacing a good many of my VHS tapes of movies with DVD versions since updating my DVD player a short while back.

I replaced recently the following:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Wiz
Flash Gordon
Staying Alive
Two Of A Kind
Streets Of Fire
Top Gun
Days Of Thunder

The improvement over the tapes is hard to describe but they are sharper with better colour rendition

An American Tale

Following on from that last batch, I replaced my VHS tapes of Steve Spielberg's An American Tale series with the double pack 2 DVD sets. I have felt for along while this series starting from the mid 80's was well animated with a good storyline running through it

Wednesday 21 October 2009

The looks of a gurl

After last weeks post, I thought I'd return to something more specifically gurlish as there's no denying that how others see our own preferences for presentation often has been an issue even if our intent isn't to be deliberately provocative.

That  short pleated kilt-skirt with mary janes and knee length socks look is very much me, a younger gurl at play with your colourful fan by the beach enjoying your self thing.

We can be so conditioned by how other people have seen and even had us dress it may take a while and strict handling to rid you of any lingering hints or self doubt that in all reality you are no longer a him but a Hur, to be seen and acknowledged as a gurl from now on.

More school girl or preppy female dress is something I am very comfortable with.

It is a good idea to remind yourself of what your true nature is as a delicate, sweet submissive gurl and why you need to ensure through your dress you are sending our the "correct" message.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Kawaii options

 When people think about using feminine presentation the usual thing that comes into mind is that of wearing skirts and dresses.

It doesn't have to be with pastel blue trousers with matching jacket and trainers which goes to show the variety of options little sissy gurls like me have and can explore.

Talking of exploring, seeing it is the fall, here's some lovely berries I found while out exploring today.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


This blog had a odd birth coming out of a school centred social media site blogging place before being dual posted to here before that site got messed up so some of posts originally were a bit more circumspect for potentially your old school mates seeing this side of you.

Tammy is the name I go by today as a little sissy gurl although I was assigned as a male and so had a school experience that a far as the sexist restrictions on sports, attire and subjects went was impacted by that given identity.

Going online then was a massive thing find sites and wasting hours exploring identities from more transgender sites aimed at the time towards "T Gurls" to sites aimed around other identities such as being an adult little and sissies which was where "Tammy" was born coming out as a mainly non sexual adult little sissy gurl.

"Gurl" because I do not see and feel myself to be be or approximating a Girl (or a Woman) being more feminine, even at times by female standards effeminate in social terms, have a submissive side while having no desire to aquire boobs and have female gender affirming surgery.

It would be very wrong then to see me as "a girl trapped in boys body" and treat me in terms of gender as a girl when elements are not the same as a girl and parts of presentation would never pass as a girl either socially.

Gurl approximates to and shows the inspiration but denotes it is NOT the same, we ARE different, a third gender and a Girl calls a person like me a Sissy Gurl or just "Sissy" because we are NOT the same and by doing so she makes it plain.

As that Sissy she stops any notion of me even thinking that STONE DEAD wherever in private or in public and that EVERYONE ELSE knows in earshot.

That Girl does care about my feelings which is why she cares to ensure the world knows the real me and that I'm a Sissy Gurl, as much as she may love me a person, a fellow human being.

More often than not I will be dressed in a more junior Girls way, oftened femmed up to the max, party dressed, school uniform or formal attire as I do behave and see things in a more child-like way, often playing rather than anything truly adult.

As that Little Sissy Gurl, being more girly than any girl of ten, the one thing that some may place in a "kink box" is as that LITTLE sissy gurl being spanked by a dominant female from an aunt, teacher, older sister angle for REAL CHILD CRIMES like swearing or spilling the orange all over the carpet making more work for people not anything more "Adult" sissy fetish stuff.

And all out of love for Tammy, that Little Sissy Gurl, never hate.

Tammy is proud to be a Little Sissy Gurl.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

1979 and more Radio One

Today is the forty-second anniversary of the launch of BBC Radio One  on September 30th 1967 and to which two years ago we wrote an entry about including a special two  record set.

In 1979 it was decided to issue a second set as of necessity only a handful of hits per year at most could of been programmed in its four sides and this is it.

As with the original Ten Years of Radio One set the cover links the stations Dj's which were classroom currency at the time to the music which several decades on takes us back to those days with pictures too.

I was by this point fifteen going on ten so I was listening to more of the specialist shows in the evenings and weekends and getting a bit more up to speed with current affairs and would borrow colourful pop music magazines and buy even the likes of Sounds and the New Musical Express following the New Wave and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
In the main it was a retrospective selection with more from 1969 onwards as that first set did devote a lot of space to the first couple of years music so we have a mixture of rock from the likes of the Rolling Stones and Jethro Tull, more early 1970's singer song writers, funk with soul, the ever popular euro pop of Abba and 1979's break out act Dire Straits with Sultan Of Swing which I really liked.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Being the Gurl you are

We arrive at being a Gurl with some deficits such as more couldn't care less caught in the moment attitudes from being raised initially as boys, being ridiculed for displaying a hint of our feminine nature and of course trousered attire meant we didn't have to think about our undies showing!

Thus we do badly need to be taking in hand as a gurl by girls to both teach us some of things we need to know about appropriate feminine behaviour from how it get up and sit down nicely, taking care of our appearance to how to curtsey,

And indeed as Tammy found out you learned love being the Sissy Gurl you were underneath that layer of attempted boyishness.

We are all feminine on the inside and so gurls like you ought to be included in all girls activities and have dedicated all gurl time delivered by girls.

As a gurl Michael deserved though a proper gurls name like Michelle they were to use and be called by as that gurl plus if hur wish was to play baseball with hur friends, then she should be told that will only happen in girls uniform.

Any tantrums over that need a swift hand to remind her of her status as  Gurl.

Little Sissy Gurls are always dressed as little gurls in cute socks, dresses and skirts reflecting more of their younger than their years nature and their reduced status in the feminine world, valued but never treated as fully grown up females.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Cardcaptor Sakura

I am currently enjoying this anime first show in a heavily westernized from as Cardcaptors on Children's ITV in 2002.
Sakura Kinomoto was an ordinary 4th grader until the day she opened a strange book and let dozens of powerful magic cards loose on the world. Keroberos, the Guardian of the Clow Cards, informs Sakura that it is now her responsibility to find and capture the freed cards. However, much to the reluctant Sakura's dismay, things aren't going to be easy for her; simply saying magic words and waving her wand around isn't good enough. Each card is a living, thinking, extremely powerful being. She'll have to learn to cope with her new responsibilities, as well as ordinary troubles like love, school, family, and friends. With the support of her friend Tomoyo and a young boy with powers of his own, she must learn how to use her newly awakened magical abilities to collect each card and prevent the disaster that will befall the world if she doesn't.

I was able to get this pack of two DVD's from Taiwan that has all 70 episodes on a total of 8 discs packaged in a fold out book manner with protective slip case. Although it has 8 or 9 episodes per disc the coding quality is actually very good - a par with many digital TV services - and has a excellent menu structure.

This is from the anime Cardcaptor Sakura a fantastic magical girl series from the early part of the this decade.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Dancing On The Valentine

Yes, it was 25 years ago that I bought this VHS EP video of Duran Duran performing three songs from the Seven and the Ragged Tiger album. This was video, issued by Picture Music International/EMI, was one of first to be done in stereo.
I still have my original copy in excellent condition.I guess everyone has a videotape collection and this is a part of my 'legacy' collection.

My Duran Duran VHS video collection

The track list for this videoalbum first issued in April 1983 on VHS and Betamax is as follows:


Planet earth

Lonely in your nightmare

Careless memories

My own way

Hungry like the wolf


Girls on film (Night version)

Save a prayer

The chauffeur

Is there something I should know

The videos for Lonely In Your Nightmare and The Chauffeur aren't available on DVD plus the version of Girls On Film is the 18 CERT (US NG-17 version) which has been re-edited for later issues including the DVD's. This is a tape you sure need to hang on to!

This Video came out on VHS and Betamax and is a EP meaning it has only 3 videos on it but retailed for much less than a full video back then.
Issued in 1984 it has the videos for The Reflex, Union Of The Snake and New Moon On Monday. These titles are available om THE GREATEST HITS dvd.

This came out in 1989 and has the videos from the singles issued from Notorious and Big Thing albums. A big thing at the time was the the audio was Digitally Mastered on this release and it sounds amazing on my Hifi stereo VHS machine!

This video is of a live concert from 1989 part of the "Skin Trade" tour and is highly recommended.VHS only release!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

The Beatles Remasters are Here!

Finally after 22 years they are here.
Well I bought that Beatles in Mono box pictured above - the best part of GBP 199.98 - because it seemed to the only box of the two (there was a Stereo Box) that offered anything really essential and not otherwise available.

To start with the cds are all mono - the way many in the 1960's first heard them - and also the priority for mixing the separate tracks together by the record studios as most people bought mono records back then. Often the stereo versions had much less time spent on them so bits of the original mono mix just didn't make it into the stereo.
Most of these have been unavailable since the early 1980's (and then for a very limited time).

Then there's the packaging.
These cds have all been made in Japan with what is called a 'mini lp' form. That's to say they are made to resemble a miniature lp record sleeve using high quality card reproducing exactly the front and rear covers of the originals. There are replica inner sleeves with the designs used for each lp with the actual cd in a Mylar wallet to keep it from getting scratched.
The individual cds have original period Parlophone, Capitol and Apple label designs featured for the middle labels of the lps.
The whole cd is then packed in archive quality acid free resealable see through envelope to protect it.
The box has been carefully designed to store the discs with a slide in disc storage compartment to make getting them out to play easy.

The Discs:
Please Please Me
With The Beatles
A Hard Day's Night
Beatles For Sale
Help! *
Rubber Soul *
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles (Also known as the "White Album" )
Mono Masters - a compilation of singles and EP tracks issued in mono that were not on any UK studio album.

* = These have the original stereo versions also on the same disc NOT the remixes done for cd.
The transfer to cd is extremely good - something that was a problem with the original cds issued in 1987.

Stereo cds:
I mentioned the stereo box earlier on but all that gave you was a box and a DVD of mini Documentaries than were added on the CD's to play on your computer.
As it was cheaper to buy the discs separately I passed on that.
I bought the following titles:

Please Please Me
With The Beatles

A Hard Day's Night
Beatles For Sale

Those four had never been out  on cd in stereo although a Hard day's night has issues with the mastering that make no sense.

Past Masters - a compilation of mainly stereo mixes of tracks issued on 45's and EP's that didn't make the UK studio albums

The sound on that disc was much better than the previous (1987/8) editions with greater presence and low bass and it added more stereo mixes than Past Masters Volume One did. This is help me renew my appreciation of John, Paul, George and Ringo.

These come in a folding cardboard package with a booklet about the album and pictures Unfortunately the discs aren't protected from the cardboard (grrr) but you can put them in mylar rounded bottom sleeves as they will fit in the slots where the discs are meant to go.

Wednesday 2 September 2009


 Wearing 'girls' school uniform as a age dysphoric feminine sissy gurl

I'm age dysphoric, that's a fact so why shouldn't part of my gender variant expression go back in time to how it was?

A 101 of feminine school uniform for feminine boys like me to emulate in modern still a school child life based on the girls uniforms we loved at the time is a good start point in being us for the best reason.

We feel better to give free expression of the idea of us in our heads

Over the knee socks for the short skirted look

One unavoidable fact of life for me in my ' Feminine Little Sissy' side is the fascination in maintaining the look I adored as a a child, that of the short above the knee skirt with long socks that are often either colour or striking in design.

In many respects it's fortunate for me that at least a part of this aspect has become more mainstream so not only can I buy these cute girlish over the knee socks fairly easily but others are doing so to so there's less eye batting or outright ridicule as there used to be.

I just love these Grey and dusty Pink over the knee socks as they're so cute.

Available from the Sexy Minx ebay store and good local stockists.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Down at the water's edge

One of the things I loved to do as a child as to look at boats seeing the different shapes, colours and functions of things and chatting with the owners. 
Luckily I never had an accident and fell in which is what happened to my brother!
He got a spanking for it.
You may not be so much at the waters edge looking in as much as actually in it paddling your canoe or kayak.
Indeed I went sailing as a teenager and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Shugo Chara!

Recently I was able to get the Malaysian DVD's of Shugo Chara! which has yet to be issued in the UK or US. The series centres around Amu Hinamori, a Elementary School pupil clash between her popular cool, spicy exterior loved by fellow students and her internal introverted personality

Amu's wish for a character re-birth as would be self leads to the discovery of three colourful eggs that hatch into her guardian characters, Ran, Miki, and Su.

The first discs (above) house all 51 episodes of series 1.

This story started off life as a manga following successful serialization in Japan and is currently being aired by TV Tokyo series one having aired from October 2007 and a second series Shugo Chara!! Doki— in October 2008.

The DVD of Series two Part one has the first 15 episodes from that series.

In essence the Guardian Characters aid Amu in discovering who she truly is and help fulfil Amu's dreams. Amu's life becomes much more complex as she struggles to deal with her "would-be" selves and the Seiyo Elementary's Guardians, who recruit Amu as the Joker to search for X Eggs and X Characters, which are the corrupted forms of peoples' dreams.

Amu 'restores the eggs' to their original form neutralizing the harm the X Egg cause to all around them. Meanwhile, the Easter Company is extracting people's eggs in search of a special egg called the Embryo. The Embryo is believed to grant any wish to the one who possesses it.

However, the process they use creates X Eggs and X Characters. What I like about the story is the way in which it shows how peoples self image can be effected by these 'bad' eggs that started off life as pure but have become corrupted in their pursuit of self interest harming others that get in their way. 

Equally the story shows how through positive encouragement people can change becoming more pure in thought - practically spiritual in a away, putting others well being first. The first image is that of the series 1 DVD, second the inner disc carrier with the picture at the footprint being that of Series 2 Part 1. 

Hold on to your hats and save those precious eggs from Easter but at last the last 26 episodes of Season two of this much loved anime has finally come out on DVD this week!

This is Amu as a 'Punk' from the Shugo Chara manga

Saturday 15 August 2009

Retro make overs for Tammy?

 Old is all the rage these days with things in the style of past objects being made and  vintage make overs on the diy tv and magazines but what if we took it a step further like people you sometimes read about who live a 1940's lifestyle dressing the part?

What if tammy was dressed in old school girls dresses with ribbons for social occasions?

How about dressing me early 60's dresses and even underwear like bloomers to go with them with their frilly trimmings?

Why not introduce classic bouffants to really frill me up and sixties night attire too?

While you were at it in other contexts bring back skirted play attire like short little girl dresses with pleats and ribbon too?

A retro Tammy would be the most wonderful thing for a sissy gurl like me

*updated 2021

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Skirts for little sissy gurls


Skirts for janegirls or sissies should really match the type of setting you would be in such as formal or school based settings I think a simple plain grey or green skirt works because it isn't "busy" attracting attention but is sufficiently modest coming just above the knee.

Skirts allow you to show your gait when walking, learning to walk crossing your legs showing an element of softness you like while being more comfortable than close fitting trousers and you'll soon learn to keep knees together while sat.

They deserve to be teamed up with socks which easily go with them such as these from Albert Prendergast 

Although the boys range, for one thing prep school girls did wear them and there's no reason not to wear something smart and practical