Wednesday 28 June 2023

Midnineties memories

Possibly the last warm week for a bit as I'm a bit dripping here recovering from being somewhat pawley Tm yesterday from the moment I got up, I'd hardly say woke up as I'd very little sleep thanks to major disruptions across the early morning.

Thoughts were drifting to the mid nineties, those days when we'd be "staying out for the summer", hoping for a "fine time" after someone said "wake up boo" and the gallagher brothers said "roll with it" to Mr alburn's "country house" in  chart spat.

Part of that is finding some of my SHINE compilations of indie hits of that era bought when Lesley and I used to hang around, share food and talk about photography, music over drinks.

She was into Hooch the alcopop brand massive back then and showing my beliefs was on regular pop although that was never an issue.

I'd bring videos of the summer festival sets the bands we liked to play as unlike me they didn't have have Sky and as her property unlike mine was rented you had to get permission from the landlord and it was only matter a few years from moving out of their parental home in the south of the city.

Those were the days.

Wednesday 21 June 2023

On relationships

Sometimes I think we can get on the wrong foot when it comes to how we form and maintain relationships and we tend not to be so good at it, perhaps because few cared to show us how.

Focus is a main thing.

Are we wishing to be someone's friend or lead others in activities or play for how that may make us appear in the eyes of the wider world, a favourable comment or an attempt to be seen as a leader as if it is about us?

I feel when it comes to motivation being less concerned around that but looking more what we can offer others and from that what we may gain from that - seeing others happy, having fun can be enough

There are things we need to be mindful of,

This speaks volumes to me.

We can get so fixated on solving problems, righting wrongs that we feel we are not making a difference to someone we care about but just being there, walking along side them is really what we need to be doing more.

When you care for some one you just do.

We love them for what they have to offer rather than what we may feel our needs are.

When was it we last told them we love them?

Do it.

Feel it.

Show it.

Above all, Say it.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Weekly update

 It's another Wednesday after the warm weekend so it is time for a blog and not just ice cream.

Seeing we are in a new month a few days ago a new copy of Monster Fun arrived, the first issue since the announcement a few months back the comic was going to a monthly cycle on the back of great sales and this months theme, as there is always a theme for all the comic strip series is things connected to the Age of the Dinosaur.

There will be some new comic strips too coming which will be appreciated by the children who do read it being a old-new comic for children rather than a retro comic for adults judging by the many letters on the letters page by that audience who love the ghoulish humour.

Friday's Blue Peter was all about sports and how to gain the Sports Badge with an excellent demonstration of Wheelchair Basketball which was something I did play as well as BMX biking which was beyond me.

I found my Book Number 5 published 1968, really the 1969 annual that survived three house moves and almost as much a comfort thing as any teddy bear as read this when I was very young, in bed with severe migraines which were very frequent then.

Originally it was my older brothers but was gifted to me few years after publication as I was watching the show back then.

Sissy may be going to the ball after all as a kind offer has come up to remedy being in effect locked out of a littles get together as those attending arrange next times while you who only missed one for being seriously ill can never get back in.

Time to root out all the frillies and the little girl socks me thinks.

Something I have been working on is storage of records which as part of my collection are not a massive part, present their own challenges as 14 x14 inch when in their jackets take more space than cds or tapes and are a bit fussier as they are prone to warping if near heat or if not stored straight and this can include damage to the covers too.

Currently I'm laying tracks of storage units which involves typically moving everything around them and not just the records, putting the unit in and filling it in the slots which does also making finding individual discs easier.

Just a lot of initial effort.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Restored past


There have over the decades been a number of attempts to explore and while doing so communicate this whole life from contributing to other peoples posts having a Tumblr and even a full on blog or two at Wordpress and at Blogger.

Finding the right style and feel however has always been an issue as some sites were more around the adult side of  being pretty explicit  while others while being more around being little would take umbrage even at mentioning the word "Sissy" as what that meant to them was at odds with how I felt.

The little side has always been with me despite attempts to push other more popular in the current climate agendas and ideas around identity and that's not just all about clothing; presenting is much broader than that even.

In the end You are not what you are wearing although that may well reflect you, it is in how you feel, how you come over to others and in that I am more like a oversized child and am more comfortable wearing what that child would with their cute and frilly touches, happy to be in that world.

The period last year when I was very unwell reflected that in as much as I was planning to be away with others and as I was tidying up recent I came by the things bought to taken with me in my case like schoolgurl underwear and new unworn skirts.

It's not that there isn't an adult side, it's that it has it's own space when they wish to come out and enjoy more adult style submissive activities when the opportunity arises.