Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Integrated Brownie

The genius of this post is a long as this blog goes which is to say when you are a sissy gurl who was brought up on paper at least as a boy many of your social connections  and memories are influenced by the gender divide and this was true of Scouting.

It wasn't that contact with with "the enemy" wasn't always stopped and sometimes even sanctioned as for instance I might of been directed to sit with and even work together with a girl just most activities were self contained so you may as well of come from two different lands.

The thing was sometimes actual integration of gender divided units did happen such as joint camps where Cubs and Brownies while in separate units did take part in shared activities even if you may of had specific time toward your badgework.

The Americans for reasons best kept to themselves styled themselves as Girl Scouts even if they had a Brownies section and these two handbooks form a part of that outlining the program to transition to the next level and around understanding the world around you and all within it.

Sometimes people try to say Scouts has a different and better feel to it than Girl Guiding but both contain elements of each other and while scouts has a more rugged image, Girl Guiding isn't all uber gentile or a soft option.

Tammy could of easily belong in that first picture in more enlightened times as the first person in the second row from the front dressed then in hur Brown Tunic in with the girls as a gurl or today in a simple brown pleated skirt, presenting femininely.

Yes you may of needed separate space for changing for reasons of modesty but that could be easily provided but for the Tammy's of this world it would of been a sensible solution, placed and under the rules of feminine section but not cut off from the boys finding a balanced approach as a gurl, able to do more girly things but join in kickabouts just like Tomboys.

Tammy is a modern Brownie as  Gurl.

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