Wednesday 3 June 2009

Life at home

This week I'm writing a bit about life it home from my bedroom HQ.
This is a picture of a porcelain doll I've had since my teens called Debbie.
She was bought for me from a doll fair near Macclesfield and she's been with me no matter where I've been living ever since. 

I like the blouse and dress she's wearing.

Feminine Little Gurls like me love our dolls.

As a LSG I live by the rules of the Grown Ups who decide what happens when I break their rules and they are displayed in a very visible place to remind me at all times there are consequences to my actions.
We have standards that I am expected to keep to which are set out on the chart.

Ours is a house which spanks so I will always be spanked firmly to teach me not to do it again which isn't nice but I don't need nice I just need to learn to behave by our rules without question because they keep me safe and teach me how to live right.

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