Wednesday 26 October 2011

Christmas presents from the past

 Somebody mentioned to about the new range coming to ToysRUS in time for the upcoming Christmas festivities.

This got me thinking about some of the things I had and maybe you did too from your chronological childhood and I feel like talking a little about them this week.

At the time there were at least in my country quite a number of shows on the television featuring Magicians who invited members of the public to take part in their acts and these shows really held my attention.

It was just so super exciting to see something disappear and then by magic reappear at the waving of a wand or a chant so my folks bought me a magic set with a wand, hat and a few other things to try these tricks out.

That's all the bits and that you used to perform your magic with.

I also had something quite useful as I have dyspraxia  which makes trying to write neatly something of a pain and that was a basic Child's Typewriter with a small frame, limited to A5 or maybe going as far as A4 paper.

I used that to write short stories, thank you letters, lists and labels for school projects on.

This was well before the personal computer was widely available with word processing programs like Word Star came about never mind MS Word so you really didn't have too many choices!

We didn't have the spell checker - hurrah for the Can-E spellchecker on here! - so you had to use a little erasure and overtype this  being before even correction fluid became widely available for budding typists.

Mine was a Petite a bit like the one below which I kept until high school when I got a grown up manual typewriter.

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