Wednesday 21 August 2019

Restful notes


I was away earlier in the month with friends for a few day.

With some concerns, I did pack the 'big camera' and a couple of Zoom lenses with me carefully sandwiched between the clothes because one thing that crosses both sides of me is photography in a more high school plus level and 'picture taking' on the other and a camera that affords more control and range within the focal lengths allows for more creative pictures apart from higher optical quality.

That meant I was able to take pictures like this with the advantages of image stabilization where I normally struggle with 'long lenses' and even against the light that I feel show the kind of tranquil feeling I had while out exploring on foot.

Deliberately using a longer focal length and a wider aperture just softens the background sufficient while leaving enough information for you to take in.

Here, we saw an influx of various Butterflies, such as about seven on one bunch of lilacs locally when I was out walking earlier on in the week and it has kept up like that to the point I counted a good number only last night in our front garden.

The combination of warm and rain has also lead to the blackberry bushes here growing to the point they are intruding on the pavements, well covered in fruit.

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