Wednesday 28 September 2022

The magic of Autumn

 After last weeks trip to the past this week we're in the present even the inspiration is very much from our childhoods.

Things that with all the other stuff in the world going on that I'm far more interested in is Halloween which creeps in towards the end of next month and in the first couple of days of November.

Good things about for me include spending more time outdoors as I'm not really an indoors type of person at all which can include things like outdoor crafts such as pumpkin based lantern making and games which benefit from having that room to spread around.

In the past they would of included things like toffee apples, dress up with props


There's nothing wrong with getting up in the trees and even being a fairy

Fall is magical for the amazing colours of leaves that may be gathered and I can remember when I was young doing a leaf based collage on black card.

He may be thinking "Can I jump up there?" but if he hangs around long enough a leaf will land right on his nosey!

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