Wednesday, 29 January 2025

More scouting!


Although emblems do change and so does the World Map  thanks to geo-politics, this nice set does go to show the extent that girls around the world have thie own opportunities though dedicated organizations in Scouting be it GirlGuiding or as in the United States of America, Girl Scouts.

Although the relationship with Scouts in some parts of the world remains tetchy with the latter departing from the views of Baden Powell who favoured having seperate bodies for boys and girls with collaberation it is good to know GirlGuiding for Girls remains popular.

Why shouldn't girls have thier on spaces and programs?

Communication isn't always clear especially when relaying information which scouts can expect to be involved in some sometimes it makes sense to spell out phonetically things and just sounding a letter isn't clear like M and N getting mixed up.

Thankfully there is an international standard where every letter is spelt out using names and here it is which also has a pennant.

Learning it is very useful and actually I do know it off by heart!

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