Saturday 13 February 2010

Kanon & Ocean waves

This was a four disc region 1 dvd set I got for Christmas and have been watching recently.
The story is narrated through Yuichi who hasn't seen his cousin Nayuki in years. 

Upon his return seemingly all his knowledge of ever visiting has vanished. He senses something vaguely familiar around his surroundings trying his best to adjust but his memory gaps haunt him as time grows ever short.

He sees in time the pieces of this puzzle, the mysterious girl with the winged backpack, a sword wielding dragon slayer and an eerie silent beauty with blazing tresses but it's up to Yuichi to discover how all these pieces of the puzzle fit together.

This entry is a bit late as I've had the dvd since it's release over here one that wasn't without being put back a few times. It's also worth noting that this title isn't and will not be released in North America because it was not part of the deal done by Disney who distribute Studio Ghilbi there.

This offering was one that Hayao Miyazaki, co-founder of Studio Ghibli and the director of many highly regarded Ghibli titles played no part in. This has left this title which gives younger staff members an opportunity to shine to be neglected in the West

Ocean Waves is a story impacting only on three characters, Taku and Yutaka who are joined by Rikako (a transfer student from Tokyo), locked inside their own small little world. 

It's a story covering the journey towards adulthood of three high schoolers, where the friendship of two is damaged by the one thing besides hate that can destroy bonds - love.

It is a moving story which I enjoyed although the characterization revealed in the story for Yutaka was too short and we only see the selfish side of Rikako rather then the mature woman she became.

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