Wednesday 8 January 2014

Finding the real me

I started to severed more of those connections that had only messed my own head up, embracing the littles world instead as much as it may of caused consternation to them.

I started to have a very clear view of what my own identity was, becoming aware of how male identity as a specific thing was under attack not from just so-called feminists who believe it's not enough to have equality but to remove the place of men and boys from society and how the change in the trans movement away from one that recognized gender roles and was only about helping people who felt they are really women to gain that to one that denied biological sex.
At the end of the day, how many times I keep going around this, whatever my biological sex may be, I am very much feminine, prefer wearing skirts and have spent long enough to know whatever connotations people put on it being neither a girl or a boy by gender I am and ought to own Sissy Gurl as my gender.

It doesn't matter if I may wear grey short trousers taken up as short as they were when officially at least I was junior schoolboy, I felt sissy then and in my frilly little girls knickers I am even when in them.

I was never really socially a boy at all and not a girl in disguise either,

This is the goddam truth.

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