Wednesday 4 June 2014

I'm coming over

Between playing hunt the outdoor cat who is being put off by other neighbouring ones and the showers here I thought I'd do this weeks entry.

How many of us can recall that routine of going on over to a friend or 'play mate' whither or not it was something that emerged from the playground that day or arranged between Mothers?

I sure can! It happened quite a number of times when I was in Juniors during recess where an invite would be issued and in those days before all this instant messaging and cellphones, you'd skip home to tell Mummy the news and you half imagined your friend doing the same as resourceful as ever she increased the food portions for that days evening meal with little warning as back then food was cooked at home on the range even if some was packaged.

Needless to say if your Mummy was anything like mine there would be some fuss around what your were going to wear as you had to create a good  impression, your hair would be washed and styled quickly and although you would thank your friend and his or her Mommy, it was the done thing to write a thank you note afterward. 

You may also have bought a present if was a more formal organized affair.

I just loved these happenings.

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