Wednesday 26 August 2020

Past childhood into new adult-childhood

There are lots of different ways in which the way we express our little selves of which one of the more obvious is how outside of our adult lives we elect to present ourselves through what we wear.

Whatever it may be, it is always to drawn a line under what may be classed as being seen as an adult (although of course that doesn't alter The Law) and to resemble outwardly our little selves.

To varying degrees what it is inwardly our sense of littleness which for a few such myself is always there and so is involuntary and permanent would show just on its own whatever we we be wearing but we feel more at one with it more when we resemble our little selves physically.

There is I feel an issue at heart of littles communities  that really causes much heartache and that is the extent that many seem to locked in the cultural norms of the seventies and sixties where boys only do certain things and dress one way and ditto girls and this can apply even to those who see themselves as transgender.

I was more with the Free To Be Me ideals where we looked beyond a persons sex and said you can do and wear what you wish regardless of your sex even if you may thing you're in the wrong body.

Some still say in effect girls can only be littles if in skirts and dresses and boys can only be one in short trousers or those awful longs even if today's boys and girls may dress very differently and have more mixed interests.

As a feminine sissy gurl I have the right to wear a dress and be that gurl and girls who prefer to wear shorts when playing shouldn't be told they cannot be near people at events if they wear shorts cos they're not girls and the people associate shorts with boys.

It's easy to understand a boy who was ill treated perhaps in them for wishing to wear a skirt may have certain associations but what right does that give them to prevent another being themselves not least if they were bullied by girls in dresses and pereline socks?

Peoples behaviour has nothing to with what they wear while in it, the attitude is in their minds not their clothes and surely we need to stop treating people badly just because they wear one sort of attire.

Sometimes people argue about  you can have parts in your Little Space that are not of the era you were brought up in as if they are not emotionally an authentic part of you so that if say you were brought up in say the nineteen fifties, you cannot have plushies or have say books from other eras.

In my regressed world you can add some things into it so say teddy bears can be complemented by say a dinosaur Plushie because it's function and utility to is the same, you play with it, it comforts you as hold and hug it as the inner child you are.

In much the same way to read say the books of Jacqueline Wilson is a part of understanding a part of contemporary childhood with the objects and experiences our age in it, that can aid me understand more of this age I'm travelling through as the hybrid adult-child I am

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