Wednesday 15 September 2021

Autumn Post

It's what would be the Autumn edition so what what I may be referring to is a bit ahead of time but is kind of relevant.

Everybody remembers what last year felt like and what those extreme restrictions felt like as beyond the everyday things many of things we'd love to do such as stay at friends or for those of us who are age regressors/dysphoric and feminine boys the chance to spend a bit of time with more people like us face to face just were not possible

This year at least here in Great Britain we can do more and so I was able to get away and spend a few days with regressors who accept my feminine boy side and we hope to have a day fun event in late October.

That's why we need to give thanks for those who've helped us through this troubled period, the people looking after our medical needs, the people who took care of us, checking we were okay during the darkest of days even if they didn't get our thing and the people in online communities what enabled some sort of contact.

It won't be long before fall will be upon us and I'll be out taking in fresh air enjoying time just being me.

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