Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Fresh starts II

We talked a bit about changes around presenting this year as a feminine boy and why it's so important to ensure whatever I wear of a more traditional feminine nature looks smart so it helps me feel good about being me and how that's how it will be.

There is a certain irony in that actually I got the more traditionally masculine schoolboy side down to a tee in that regard by last year carefully selecting the presentation and when it came to my shorts getting them tailored so the length look right on me.

One thing we do when I'm away with friends is to have sports sessions rather like the old School Sports Day we had with a variety of events, played per team for fun.

Now I do have a number of boys sports shorts similar to those I had back in the late nineteen seventies and early nineteen eighties but often I do switch to a more traditional feminine presentation which when it came to sport in the past had been based on gym skirt with matching knickers concept which is pretty much old school.

I have decided to switch as a feminine little sissy gurl over to wearing a Black Skort, which is basically a skirt with built in shorts that wraps over so it looks like a traditional games skirt but won't show your knickers which is something many schools now have in the nominally girls uniform.

It's outwardly feminine  but modern and makes more sense for a feminine boy as there's less likelihood of anything showing.

Because some of my other sports kit is a bit old and thanks to Covid wasn't used much for a good eighteen months I decided to team that with Blue sports T shirt which may be designated as "boys" but hey it works and as I'm a sissy gurl I'm super qualified to wear it!

I feel a specifically feminine boy form of sports presentation suits me better rather than either aping girls with a natural bias toward curves.

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