Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Past sites and how they impact us today

The hunt for things around being feminine and a boy in the past wasn't easy and even today there remains tensions that in part go back to tropes encouraged encouraged in part by some older sites.

This last week the Petticoat Discipline Quarterly site that had a  forum was "suspended" after a short period where its owner had sadly died but that site had two things I was never at home with going on, one being the advocacy of making boys to look like girls mixing in humiliation for good measure and the other was a strong anti male bias where many advocated the end of masculinity and the making of all boys as females with actual females in control of any male, feminine or otherwise. 

To me that has nothing to do with being a feminine boy even if people on their wore female attire because it rejected the "boy" bit completely as if we, as boys, have no sex identity.

The site "Sissy Kiss" traded in the dressing of boys and men as effeminate, sometimes with a age play or regression side but with hyper sexuality never much beneath the surface and that again was linked with the idea of their humiliation and being controlled by women

On Thursday I saw this brief post by Rachel Leigh there "Time to move on, I keep seeing porn show up and want no part of a site that allows that".

And that was the thing. It tried to say it is a site for people who expressed a feminine side often with regression and age play but surrounded posts with blatant pornography that would never appeal to a person who was regressing to the age of a child and who had a feminine male side.

To them, I'd say good luck, cos no one seriously into that thing needs it .

These tropes encourage people to visit better sites for people like age regressors and feminine boys by feeding the idea we want and are looking for sexual interaction rather than just to chat and be ourselves like everyone else.

Then those people pester people by direct messaging for favours and the like.

I'm glad PDQ was suspended and at least some at Sissy Kiss are prepared to call out what is allowed on that site publicly.

I'm just glad I found the feminine boys sub reddit which works well for a sissy gurl like me.

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