Wednesday 20 April 2022

Easter 2022

It is the Easter edition just a little bit later than you might think thanks to the publishing schedule here  as we don't deviate from it much apart from things like Christmas where you can't post before it and afterwards misses the joy of an "on the day" post.

It's very vintage but actually all those frills and satins do tie in more with this blog when boys could be more dainty which is no bad thing.

This is very much a little sissy gurl blog albeit coming from a feminine but biologically boy and there's no reason why I ought not to have a girls Easter card and still let my feminine side out because I am a Gurl like but never the same as a girl.

Didn't we all enjoy the thrills of chasing around hunting the easter eggs and just think if I could of done that in a pretty dress? That would of been just super.

Well little sissies like me have cutesy girlish eggs with bunnies on them cos that's so so us all over and that was mine this year before it ended up in my tummy!

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