Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Anniversary and making a clear cut choice

The last week or so has scene my restored tumblrs turn various markers or anniversaries such as the original TSB which marked it's just over 1,000th post  a few days ago where I talked a bit about how I came to set up that tumblr and how I was on the inside when I first started writing it.

In many respects through the brief time at and by joining in with the asb/alb community examining, talking and comparing pasts I moved on from an ailing state of conflictedness to one where I knew exactly where I was.
My world is and always was a bit different than most of theirs in that I was most definitely a boy by sex but one that had a feminine side and while happy enough to wear grey short trousers was one that liked to wear skirted attire too.

It was never about being or seeing myself as a girl even if we shared some traits wanting to become one nor was it "adult" cross dressing but just following the wider sense of personal gender trends than my peers.

Being back in that world and way from the overly transgendered one rather confirmed where my personal base was and you need to light the fire your base camp as you explore what is you rather than trying to pour cold water on it.

For me while I accept my sexual identity is male for me means my interests and presentational sides are wider but are very much connected to being neither male or female in terms of gender identity even if I may fluctuate between the two and the heart of the issue with me is just that.

I am more feminine than most females even though I have some masculine sides that I was happy to use as a child but as that child not being able to use the feminine side without fear was an issue

That betweenness mixed in with the submissiveness is what makes me a sissy gurl who ozes their effeminacy and loves the authority of dominant females and whose adult sexual side is textbook sissy.

I am a sissy gurl

I could not be another gender.    

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