Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Christmas Day thoughts

So it is Christmas Day today something that brings back the good memories of long gone Aunts, school friends and those parts of the season you loved and the bits that really irritated you, such as the presents you could never really get into as they laboured under the assumption you were a boy and, if that was bad enough, in later life a Man for cryin' out loud.

Just imagine what might of happened had your parents and wider family had the courage to if said "we don't know what they really feel they but we'll respect their wishes and let them explore how they see themselves, play with all our children as they are.

No "You boys do that", "Oh girlies, you can help with dinner or play with your dollies together".

In so many ways that would of been the bestest Christmas present for Tammy, being hurself, exploring it all, deciding for hurself what to keep and what to reject.

In someways then this more regressed more little sissy gurl Tammy side is both a continuation of that process and the necessary re-immersion into gurlhood needed to come out as you for having had similar experiences to that of bio-girls.

It's also being majorly little Christmas for me is a more child-like experience of girls presents, other things like books about music I like, a few records by artists I like wrapped around the sweetness of hugs, kisses and cute cards.

You can't be "big" without having a "little".


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