The day itself, 22 February, marks the birthday of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouts. It’s a birthday he shared with his wife, Olave, on the far right of this picture, who was World Chief Guide, which is why the day is special for Guides too who call it Thinking Day.
As is traditional,the Scouts took part in the Annual Wreath Laying Service at the Baden-Powell Memorial at Westminster Abbey represented vy Welsh Explorers, while Girlguides like us reflecting on what he gave us when he set out the principals for scouting and started our movement.
It is a day to renew your Promise, and think about how Scouting has and still does have the potential to change lives and society in general for the better in whar are troubling times with conflicts and challenges not least that involving our planet.
What might you need on an camping trip with your mates?
Here it seems American Girl Scouts have gathered much you will such as matches, maps, eating and cooking utensils (you may well need to eat something!) and a good first aid kit as you may be a few miles from a chemist or doctor.A compass really is a must as is a torch, guides on indentifying trees and plants and penknife.