Wednesday 26 July 2006

The Head Girl at the Gables & What Katy Did

Part of this whole adult still  a child side of me involves reading  often things about or even from  my childhood so today I'm looking at some books I read back then.
It's a story about a girl called Lorraine who wasn't thought of being Head Girl material by all her peers at The Gables, their school being rather quiet and withdrawn, scarcely one of the schools personalities.

The Headmistress, Miss Kingsley has altogether different thoughts so she's appointed but from the get go, a hard struggle for Lorraine to win the girls over begins. 

She decides to organize a School Show, finding a new ally in artistically minded Claudia, taking command in a most surprising effective way.
She finds a newly discovered talent for painting as part of her school life which leads to the unmasking of a dangerous spy ring. 

The What Katy Did trilogy  by Susan Coolidge a I originally read but never owned as a child having more of Enid Blyton's novels but a good few years back I bought the 1989 World Distributors editions together with Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

I hope to read more.

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