Saturday 6 March 2010

Run along, Tammy!

When we look at being me we need to look how education impacted it and in those distant days things were not so set up to accept things like Tom Boys who liked to play with the boys doing stuff like football and Jane Girls like me who would sooner play with the girls.

It was very limiting for all of us.

I'd sooner it was all like this, a mixed team where gurls like me can play in a games skirt as an equal, enjoying the company of girls and that division got worse by high school.

I keep thinking about my first love when it comes to school games, Rounders, as I'm slowly recovering as while with my disabilities being able to bat and run wasn't easy I enjoyed taking part, encouraged in it by people that were prepared to stand up for me.

Jane Girls like me for most exercise and certainly in games other than football or rugby much prefer to wear a short often wrap around games skirt with pleats at the back when we are playing as its more feminine.

I have now a PE skirt and top that I wear on warmer days although what I'd truly love to do is find a Rounders club where I could play not on league basis but just for the company and exercise.

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