Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The journey of exploration you need

You spent the formative years of your life battling between not showing your sissy identity least that cause you any humiliation, rejection or even been beaten up and trying to find acceptance not just within you but with others that you are.

You wanted your mother, aunts and female siblings to at least acknowledge the fact rather pass you off as some second rate boy role playing act, allowing you to explore yourself.

Apart from that pronoun gaff - were are not girls nor want to be girls but lovely to dress in a more feminine girl way, letting out our interests and mannerism really that's what sissy gurls like me really needed - a space to be a gurl.

It may be more regular girls fashion rather than party dresses at home outdoors with a jacket as indoors but you always wanted it and why shouldn't a gurl wear it?

This may come from the adult wear side but you cold wear it with  socks or tights in a more teen way, go with a more "grown woman" look or even something a bit hotter when you felt like it.

You'll never get far without encountering full petticoats, a maids dress and heels even though personally I can't walk well in anything but flat shoes and a good listening mother type figure or dominant should explore other presentations with you as part of uncovering the buried gurl.

Given the pressure many are put under in their late teens to "grow up" never mind "be a MAN" reverting more to dressing more like a little girl either in casual clothes, school uniform or frilly party dresses in pastel shades to let all that out and be a Little Gurl with "Mummy" doing all the adult looking out while you regress can be a brilliant move.

Of course that puts them very much in charge of Little Sissy Gurl you.

One thing that can't be dodged is they will be encouraging you to explore the ideas and fantasies within you - maybe being a maid some of the time - and during that period your lingerie will be discussed.

You'll find yourself feeling all a flutter as they flip the back of your skirt up inspecting them, maybe delivering a playful twang of your suspenders.

You find yourself being spanked which may be a playful slap or two on your bottom, one for breaking some Little Gurl crime like you did as a young child or not doing your maids chores right.

It doesn't matter what side it comes from your submissive side will find you enjoying being held down accepting it for what it means.


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