Wednesday 15 August 2018

Play and what we play with

 I'm feeling better this week so I thought I'd write something a little different than usual.
 Something I started noticing several years back when I first started buying my own stuffies and especially dolls was a difference between what some bought them for and what I did before getting involved around the world of littles.

One of things I found odd was what I later called the "collectors mentality" where people bought them in the original packaging and kept them permanently in that state, boxed up at best on shelf or otherwise in a storeroom.

To me they seemed to see them as objects that admittedly they liked  but the bais was clearly on maintaining that collectors item look and monetary value to the point they weren't handled and cherished even if they were intended for children who would play with them.

Personally, I buy my dolls and stuffies to play with although my porcelain ones are because of their delicateness are more handled than played with.

I take them out to sit by, hug whenever I feel the 'need' to hug or carry on in my hand around the house or wherever I am s
taying. I create stories featuring them which I then play with in real time together freely.

That's for me apart from those 'special dolls' they are my toys which as an adult child I play with in much the same way that I did as a child and as some saw me recently even gently rocking a pram with dollies.

It's what I get from playing with them that matters more to me than that whole collectors thing. 

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