Wednesday 12 June 2019

A new computer for Tammy

Computing with me has come on from the old days of big tower units with separate monitors and keyboards that were hard wired into your internet to the longing for more mobile working fitting in with my life rather than being it.

Recently I bought a new, simpler kind of a laptop computer that fits more into this life I live.

This is a Asus C202 in white l that has a 11.6 inch screen with a unspectacular but adequate 1366 x 768 resolution which is fine for general usage or watching anything from the BBC iPlayer on.

It has 32gb of memory but that's expandable to whatever you want using a SD card and 2gb of RAM which unless you've got absolutely heaps of tabs open is fine with the Chrome Os which is a kind of Linux in a browser system that doesn't suck processing power unlike Windows.

It comes in nice white trim and like practically all of the species has a built in video cam should it be needed.

Unless you're doing anything that requires a program running in the machine it's fine and today many things can be run as Apps from the Chrome browser, even basic photo editing.

Hopefully it won't be long before it arrives and be quickly set up.

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