Wednesday 11 September 2019

Openness is key

For many of us this could well be a scene that is familiar, bed with pretty bed linen on it and in the draw underneath of it a blouse and skirt for us to wear once we've showered and washed ourselves clean.

That was always the thing I wanted at the time to be able to do and to feel I can say that.

Times at least for some are better with schools youth organizations and new enterprises being more inclusive, being more open to variance but for a good many others of us and the people in our lives, there are still in the mental prison of the fear of what will the neighbours and works colleagues say???

Why shouldn't I like to wear satin french knickers cos they're so soft and comfortable?

Nobody is asking anyone to understand why we like and do what we do or join in but just accept we are different and should only be judged on what actually matters.

Does it really hurt?

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