Wednesday 20 November 2019

Being yourself as that child and adult little


Life when you are Tammy had it's up and downs growning up the most obvious being I'd sooner have an option for uniform that I felt comfortable in either that traditionally associated with boys or girls even if having made that choice, I had to abide by for consistencies sake for the whole term.

I would of freely chosen to wear a skirt and matching white, grey or black long socks and conformed to the same skirt length rules as the girls.

I always loved dolls and even had a few  but most relatives never bought me one, thought it was odd and worst of all I couldn't share freely my interest in dolls with the kids in school.

This sort of collectors doll was what I prized so much with her scaled down domestic furniture all set out beautifully.

It's interesting by making a word a plural and converting dolls to dollies the whole images changes from more historical fashion based interest and collecting to playing with dollies designed to star in adventures in your own imagination.

Playing with dollies was "forbidden fruit" but sissy gurl me loved it, dressing them up from head to toe.

I had toy cars but ones that linked to things like Barbie such as this convertable were more where I was at because they would fit in with that evolving girlie adventure story in my mind I so wanted to share with others such as girls.

Sport after leaving junior school was impacted by gender lines but even before then uniform was more of an issue with me and as I wanted to play Netball and Hockey which were girl only too at the time I would of wanted to wear a netball skort like the boy on the left who looks great in it.

Again outside of the options for sports, I so desperately wanted an option for my P.E and Games kit, renewable on a termly basis that reflected my gender identity.

This battle is so worth fighting for todays gender variant kids and in the context of adult littles also within some of those communities that have the same closed mindsets when people like me wish to play with them.

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