Wednesday 13 November 2019

The ghoulish years

 Last weekend I was away at Halloween party for age regressors.

It's interesting to reflect on how it has been in the last three and a bit decades the way we mark this time of the year has changed because over here in the UK Halloween as such wasn't marked but people did hold All Hallows Day parties with guising and toffee apples.

The more recent custom of Trick and Treat isn't native to the UK but an import from the States a good number hold the children's tv program  Blue Peter responsible for doing a feature on in the early eighties that then spread like topsy.

Into that the participates created outfits to which people rewarded with candy and it wasn't long before as in the States commercial outfits became widely available even if face paint and the like obviously was hand applied.

In this country it cuts into the Guy Fawkes season where we mark the foiled attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament with effigies, bonfires and fireworks in 1605.

For that ear muffs may help as some fireworks are really loud!

One thing that has changed in recent years is I am more focused on my behaviour at least as far as it may impact on others from knowing when not to get into conversations that are not really to do with me, taking turns well and being safe such as with using sharp knives for pumpkin carving because the increased use of physical and non physical chastisement  that can be used discretely such as a smack out of sight help me to keep those traits in check more which makes being out with people more enjoyable. 

For me then, this weekend was  a great one.

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