Wednesday 12 February 2020

Sanriotown issues


It was with some shock to find on Friday last an activity that had been a part of my internet life for a long time just wasn't available outside of the other business talked about elsewhere and still isn't available as I type this.

For almost as long as this blog has been going, was the first port of call not just for The Game but also things such as the busy forum where by design discussions were never 18+ which suited me as most adult conversations go over my head and don't really fit in my life, offered wallpaper and screen-savers.

It tied into my kawaii centred feminine boy side totally.

They also has something I just adored, a oh so kawaii email with customization of the domains for whatever Sanriotown character you liked  which for me meant I had a me email address that linked directly to things such as ecards you could people at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and that.

When I went to look at it, my email had gone with over a decades worth of stored emails from past organizations and acquaintances 

The overall impression is that and Hello Kitty Online is for all intents and purposes dead joining other sites we used such as experience project, friends reunited, beststuff and the GeoCities blogging platform in the internet graveyard. 

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