Wednesday 6 May 2020

Getting it together

We have been looking at this whole topic around being developmentally much younger than your years and the extent to which there is age dysphoria that you do feel that mismatch and what is not so generally understood is to a large extent it only gets worse over time as peoples expectations around where you "should" be become more pronounced and for some when they look appreciably older they tend to stick out more.

Fortunately I do look a hell of lot younger than my years even if my hair has signs of ageing but I'll add I have cousins fifteen years younger that are totally bald and some by nineteen are starting to lose hair.

Some feel that going to some sort of school as this xx age going on in my case ten self helps ground us and I can see how the structures just might.

To me it would have to be a place of actual lessons and break times that you be attending pretty much a "real" school setting even if it had the rules and that of one in my era and not just a backdrop for adult services and the like.

They way I look is so much like that with my dresses or skirts being as short on me as they were as a ten year old in the nineteen seventies showing much leg even with turn over top over the knee socks on.

There is just no way any *real adult* female would wear school uniform - theirs would be just above the knee too - and my charcoal grey ones scream out junior as my community accepts my lack of adult status.

Losing it may seem hard and it has been but it's been a relief to not be seen as anything other than functionally a little  who men and women look after as their own child.

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