Wednesday 29 July 2020

Summer holiday time edition

 As I'm typing this I'm on the umpteenth glass of pop trying to stay both cool and hydrated this warm weekend.
 Naturally school is off even if sadly it was only half on at best since Spring as I struggle to recall anything like this from my own childhood as more or less everything isn't what it was since the word Covid-19 entered the daily news reports.

It's really rather more the outdoors that I've clung onto, watching birds and insects going about their business, enjoying the tree blossoms and flowers growing  and even looking after this.
 I've also been reading a fair bit from comics and comic annuals to the books I adored as a child probably cos in this messed up world I have the same needs for escaping what's around me.

These two books are quite intriguing not least The Mystery of the Co-ed School which is unusual as most fiction of this sort is normally set in all girl schools and that illustration is rather puzzling.

I mean just what is that boy doing sneaking around by that door as a girl is running away toward the school gate with him in pursuit pursued by a Headmaster?

 It seems the same needs for repetition, routines and security I had then apply now and in odd sense never really being fully adult seems to aid it as inevitably we have to try to work our way through this one day at a time.

Because this month I may not be away with friends due to you know what doesn't mean I cannot look back at those moments and some of the views I saw such as walking around this lake in East Anglia enjoying the tranquility of it all.

It's the memories we make that help us get through difficult times such as those we are all facing presently.

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