Wednesday 10 November 2021

Brownie scouting autumn 2021 style

This week we return with the on and off annual series of posts connected between scouting and what that means to me.

In both cubs and brownies you can earn you photography badge which apart from feeling great does teach you some useful tips in taking great pictures.

The preferred way to hold a camera, providing it has a viewfinder for the most stability and hence sharpish images involves cradling it against your face, using a camera reliant totally on the screen means tucking your elbows well in while holding it straight while hoping for the best!

I was out exploring the woods which is more challenging with the light but with the colours of the Fall around well worth it using a spot of fill in flash as needed.

The majesty of trees in the fall against brilliant sunshine is a great sight to behold as as here a few leaves have utterly fallen.

Meanwhile near the woods that golden autumnal sun illuminates these leaves well as you feel invigorated for your exploration.

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