Wednesday 6 July 2022

The great escape

We talked of how that getting pushed into presenting more as a feminine boy started out a vehicle for being  me as a little but soon elements of that lifestyle started to feel more natural.

Bits around whole adult girl thing really didn't feel like me and having seen some stuck very much in limbo between wanting to be female full time and things like really they didn't want to be women or in one case the one that wanted to be a women but their caregiver just wanted them as a little girl and ultimately couldn't do any surgery as they were too ill.

I couldn't see any point even allowing for me feeling more at one male identity in wanting to "become" a female undertaking full transition to just be be a female child flat of chest and tree trunked in the body who wasn't going to undertaking adult life.

The dysphoria around that was more my issue than anything around gender even though I loved to wear skirt and dresses because it could only be as that child.

For me the answer to that question was that being dressed more like a girl was all I wanted , having nothing to do with adult roles, expressing how I saw me from the inside.

I took to it like a duck to water and I started to get my self confidence and mojo back as I started to see myself as I had until those other influences crept in, as nothing less than a little sissy gurl who wanted to be in their frillies and dresses.

I began to see actually I didn't need anything else.

I was just a sissy gurl in a dress. That's all.

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