Wednesday 8 May 2024

Looking after you

Well this is being typed up this extended May Bank Holiday and so as my appearance does matter I thought I'd type something to do with presenting a great image of yourself to the outside world having just checked over SK.

When it comes to your face there are a number of products you can apply when it comes to doing your make up although I think must of us would benefit from class or two on how to get done down to minutes just like older girls and women do who haven't half an hour or more to spend on it.

A dominate female making you up could just be the ticket , a "mummy dominant", a mistress any would do especially if they're reminding you just what made you the sissy you are while they're doing it.

Whatever your own circumstances might be, using moisturizer is a must for keeping your skin hydrated and baby bottom smooth as winter plays havoc with my skin otherwise soon getting dry and flaky.

Seeing it was a bank holiday I was tidying up where upon I came by an unopened package from March 2022 which I think was the tail end of a period of being very unwell and where it and a few other things had been unceremonious dumped.

It contained four pairs of these panties in baby pink and a few socks.

I thought last year I'd seen the last of the unopened stuff but seemingly there was more of it littering up the place.

Perhaps this sissy needs a good spanking for not getting on top of all this?

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