Wednesday 2 May 2007

The confidence barrier

 There are many issues you struggle with as a sissy and your body image is often your biggest.

Somehow that reflection of us we see in the mirror always triggers off that "but I still look boyish" alarm bell so you either chicken out of going out as you or you think you'll never really be seen as you truly are as a sissy gurl.

Many of us I feel would benefit from a total make over so we see ourselves for who we truly are.

The more overly feminine the outfit, sometimes the more uncomfortable you feel thinking the whole world will judge you and even laugh at you.

I longed to dress like this when I was younger and there have been periods where men as well as women wore satin and  silk but would I of done so given a free run or in effect I shut that down out fear of ridicule?

On the face of it there's no reason any of us should have an issue with hoodie over tennis outfit making our way back from the courts.

The more adult little gurl thing is a part of me but this may not be the best option in cafe or motorway service station but a modest dress or skirt with tights may well work.

Getting the confidence to be the real you out there is the issue and a woman who'll help us with it may well be the best thing to help take us forward on the quest to be the sissy gurls we are.

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