Wednesday 7 March 2012

Reuniformed for a Magical Day


We'll begin with something that may seem trivial but is kind of important.

The naturalness of feminine boys like me wearing skirts is obvious from both an aesthetic point of view we look good in skirts and also the practical fitting in well in a school uniform setting where they are hard wearing.

Today was my birthday although in truth I don't get any older really, it's just a continuous loop.

I had a new fluffy goose filled pillow and a Hello Kitty duvet and pillow cover to further transform my sleeping experience because I find it so much more relaxing in a little feminine boy headspace surround by plushies, teddy bears and HK posters whenever I sleep complete with HK sleeping attire on or need to rest during the day in uniform being poorly.

I have to say a day after having both rested and slept since petting it on, I feel more restful confirming that surrounded in this headspace I do feel smaller, having looked from the corner of too I see a little girl in her element and for me this feeling is priceless.

Also I had a Disney colouring book as thanks to the Christmas colouring a number of us did I re-connected to colouring even though I can only do a little a day with my condition, I found it relaxing, being able to switch off from groan up stuff.

I also had some reading books by Jacqueline Wilson sho I think is wonderful and these were, 'The worst thing about my sister','The Worry Website' and 'Midnight' plus the dvd of Tangled.

In this returned to the past life skirts feature so Tammy wore their grey skirt and long socks as the little sissy gurl they are.

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