Wednesday 9 May 2012

Going back to school


A traditional classroom with desks, sloping seat chairs with the teachers desk complete with bell.

 Tellingly for the era, the wooden paddle is hung next to it in full view of the whole class no doubt as a reminder to every child to behave.

We wore a lot of grey back then such as in our shirts, short trousers and socks and at at traditional sloping wooden desks and chairs.

I loved being a schoochild and would willing go back tomorrow as much as I'd opt to wear pinafore dress as a LSG.

I've also been walking rather a lot  not just cos the weather's been better but also I felt a bit stiff getting into a vicious circle of to hard to move so don't move, so even harder to move.

I'm purposely not setting targets, creating schedules or anything that may make it seem like a chore or worse still, remind of you school PT instructors barking instead I'm incorporating walks into everyday activities by extend the stroll to the corner store or just taking off any old how  for a mile or two whenever  I get a 'wanna be outside running around' feeling.

So far in I've lost five pounds without making any diet changes and more importantly can do a mile without feeling tired. That's some achievement

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