Wednesday 23 January 2013

Actions beget consequencies

It's bound to happen at some point.

You get through the day and often weeks at a stretch with things going more right than wrong and when they do go wrong it's more a lost opportunity that might well come around again should they have any real consequences for you.

Other things though do such as when I was putting the milk away having brought it on one cold morning to place it in our fridge when it falls out of my hand and hits the floor with that sickening crack followed by a splosh as a pint empties itself with speed.

It isn't just that the milk goes everywhere but so does the glass with fragments here and there plus is there enough milk now after you did this?

You have to remove all the milk, wiping everything down and sweep the broken glass to wrap up into newspaper.

Why did that happen? You weren't concentrating gurl were you?

Girl guide or not, there you go, over a knee as a grown up is going to give you the spanking you deserve to teach you a lesson so you'll never do it again.

Little sissy gurls like me need spankings to get the message over.

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