It's important with such an enterprise to look at the likely reasons to as there is no point just bringing something back to have it go again and this time there will be more of an all girlie theme running through although technically I am an adult schoolgurl by being a adult little feminine gurl who is age dysphoric remaining ten years old as some associate that with sex and bdsm too.
As I have other dysphoric tumblrs there is no need to make it all me plus I have survived the madness of social media over reactions, just more a continuation of what would of been in the TSB had it not been terminated to keep it contemporary as the other issue is the last years posts never got a external back up so there are no posts from most of 2019 into 2020.
I also found that actually sitting crosslegged on the floor in a dress felt better putting me more in that littles mindset than setting in lounge chairs so we'll have to learn to sit on the floor more often!
This last eighteen or so months has had lots of challenges and "zombie crazyness" in it and just as in some ways thing were getting a bit better for being able to see each other, travel a bit more and generally have more of a life we seem stuck in a world wide problem getting things to where they need to be and facing a energy crisis.
While all of this is a bit of a worry and some it's better to focus on what we can do and that is meet each others needs as people rather than the things we can't change ourselves, reaching out to anyone who appears to be struggling.
If you can, try to get out a bit and stroll, enjoying your surroundings, noticing what is going on rather being glued to your smartphone or laptop and talk with people even if it might be a simple hello.
Play games or do things that leave you feeling happy, content and are fun, ideally with others where you can which for those of us who are Smol ought to be easy but sometimes isn't and let your little person out.
Our wellbeing matters.
When it comes to updates we are making good progress on them although it has been an uphill struggle with things in the wrong order and the like on this blog.
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