Wednesday 1 March 2006

Long term issues from my boyhood

I can remember it well, in fact typing this is sending shivers down my spine but this kind of scene was not uncommon  when I was growing up in the 1970's .

It happened in North Wales in August 1978 while on my hols with family the day after the repeat screening of All You Need Is Cash a mockumentary by The Rutles, a kind of parody of the career of The Beatles.

We'd gone one evening with Daddy and Mummy, to a local park that included swings of the sort of construction these had, chains on aa plastic seat without any back.

Somehow I came off mid air and hit the asphalt and had to be taken back to where we stayed drifting in and out of consciousness for the best of ten hours, having to kept an eye on rota, mainly with Mummy.

When I did come out of it I was all in a daze and the first signs of what was to become apparent started to show being very much out of things and not remembering every day routines.

In time it was obvious to all I had been brain damaged by this accident and I have to say with no ill feeling, really I should been sent to paediatric section of the local hospital but perhaps there was more concern about how that would of ended my brothers own hols so they didn't.

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