Wednesday 22 March 2006

Remake remodel

This week I received an invite to blog on the social media site Friends Reunited which I joined late last year but to be honest compared to this, it isn't as good when it comes putting images up or the choice of fonts so I may just duo post for a bit.

This week I've been giving a bit of thought to appearances as a adut little gurl as really I've been a bit neglectful of late looking at that beyond the whole schoolgurl thing and this is something that would work.

A motif t shirt, baseball hat, back short mini skirt with a pocket, it's more "for girls" but can be worn in way that works for sissies like me. 

I like music, always loved ac/dc so a band t shirt. a summery mini skirt wit ankle sock look would be just fine.

A little more sophisticated  in some ways this camel based look with baseball jacket, top, cargo mini skirt with pockets would work with either ankle socks or tights.

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