Wednesday 30 December 2015

This gurls christmas 2015

Christmas here was a bit different for a few reasons one being we didn't go out for lunch between some inter family stuff that tested patience to the limits and Mummy and I being very unwell just before and still recovering  so even if we had, it really would of been a waste as we'd not of eaten much.

I wore my grey pinafore dress, grey shirt with blue tie and white pussy bowed socks today after a good wash first thing.

With that we ate at home between ourselves, with the Turkey being put in over night to cook right through, vegetables done across the morning and the Christmas Pudding zapped in two minutes flat before eating!

As it was 2015 I had to help out getting stuff out, setting the table, clearing the table and with washing up.

I did have a number of presents this year although somethings are in transit as as I wasn't well enough to organize them to just before Christmas which does give me something to look forward toward I guess.

A perennial with me is comic annuals which are a direct run on from the Christmas presents I has as a child featuring special and sometimes Christmas themed cartoon strips from my all time favourite characters such as the no longer running apart from specials, Dandy which had Korky the cat, Desperate Dan of Cow Pie fame and others in it. 

The BIG comic with me as a Child was Britain's Beano a veritable parallel world for those of us who were of official school age  during the 70's thru 90's it's peak period with it's own school and characters in the form of the Bash Street Kids, my hero Winker Watson and Dennis the Menace who like us also got smacked if they were naughty (and they were!).

As time went by some strips like Lord Snooty got retired and others like Bananaman who did have a tv series too joined the old favourites and the questionable practise of featuring in the news real people like pop stars and the like in story-lines crept in.

To say I like the Dandy and the Beano is an understatement and this year there is a specialty annual of Prank based reissues of older stories from both comics some I'm familar with from the very late 60's onward as I read the comics as a boy and some before my time that I had heard of.

It's a treasure trove of stories, characters and laughs that will be cared for.

My Auntie brought me a selection box which was a super inspired choice on her part as she not formally known about my Middle side but can tell straight I'm very child-like.
To be honest I'd sooner people either asked ideally or just bought me things more like this because I just so not relate to *adult* likes and that at all so buying for a middle child really is more sensible.

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