Wednesday 7 October 2020

Brownie and cub scouting Autumn 2020 style


Rovering, exploring call it what you want, it's all a part of scouting and so this week gone I was out exploring the woodlands near where I live

As we enter the wood from a residential area, you can see how denuded the top of the tree is looking very stark.

Further along though and you see the colourful tree canopies where often you can see and hear the local birds during the daytime.

Here you can see the interesting shapes of the branches as they throw out from the trunk and the glistening sun kissed foliage.

The thing I love most of all about the autumn is the riot of deep crisp colour and here you can see just how some of the foliage has changed to a copper colour.

It is just magical.

Something we see a lot of at this time of year is Acorns that are collected and stored by the resident squirrels which I have seen a fair bit of this year.

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