Sunday 8 November 2020

Switch off and sit on the floor reading your comics

There is more to this life than merely uniforms and attire and I said the other day no it's nowt to do with "humiliations"

It is more about being in the headspace of and positioned socially as that little that you feel most comfortable as cos in the inside that is, that was always you as much as people tried pushing you to faked adolescence and adulthood because that suited their ideas of what you were and should be.

l am reading comics much more now than I did because really that is much better for my mental well-being as a actual child on the inside who struggles to cope with the adult world and even couldn't keep up with early adolescent peers.

These are aimed nominally at seven to fourteen year olds established in 2012 with lots of weekly series that mix comic strips with older illustrated text stories in the manner comics in the earlier part of the last century did.

It wasn't when I was ten that all I read was comics, I read the Guardian and Observer newspapers for the headlines, filling in the gaps on John Craven's Newsround but the point was I just read what I needed to knew like things about the Royal Wedding, the Three Day Week and IRA Terrorism and then moved on to reading comics, playing with Action Man, lego, and toy cars if not playing in the street with other boys.

That balance is the best one for me and why it happens, you having caught up with what you need to know move on and take a total break in another world pf your own from all of that.

The boy in short trousers then knew what the little now needed which is why I'm doing it as the little sissy gurl in their dress open about your real gender today.

Just reading and playing in your pretty dress.

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