Wednesday 11 May 2022

Miss Shao and our panties

A Favourite of MacGyver's
from the anime Mamotte Shugogetten that's always a thing I'm aware of when the wind gets up!

"Sissification" isn't and never was what this blog about but sometimes the art produced under that influence does reflect some important parts of presentation as it applies to feminine boys.

The direction is more "being a girl" but it's really to do with with fully expressing your feminine side within what kind of an outfit you are going to be presenting in and a party dress with puffed shoulders with lace trimmings as the girl is saying demands the softest frilliest of pretty knickers underneath it.
Feminine boys (not just "sissies" like me) need to embrace being "PANTY BOYS", choosing the right pair the outfit rather just grabbing any old pair of pants.

Some may think there are disadvantages to being one but consider the following:

Boys will miss out on having a thick elastic band from boxer shorts around their waist all day.

They’ll have to look in their panty drawers to select a pair that’s suitable for the rest of the outfit they’re wearing, rather than blindly grabbing another pair of tighty whities every day.

Some of the girls at school might think it’s odd, but who cares what they think?

Boys can easily get an erection by having all of that soft and silky fabric down there.

Some girls might get confused about your sexual orientation, but that would be their mistake and not yours.

You would have to keep them hidden while you’re changing into your workout clothes in the school gymnasium.

Wearing panties can become addictive, so you would need some extra cash to keep your collection growing.

If you’re still living at home, you may need a safe hiding place for them.

If you end up loving panties like many boys and men do, you might eventually decide to wear more than panties (and maybe much more) which would cost some extra money for an entirely new wardrobe.

In truth, none of these are really disadvantages that would stand in the way of your enjoying panties if you really love wearing them.

You're a panty boy so just do it!

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