Wednesday 29 March 2023

Good gurl

After mulling this one over for a long period I decided to just do it and be damned.

See I had and have a Fursona, that is at say an Anthro "Furry" side that channelled a "Inner Cat", knowing some others in the UK who are also furry and so originally in July 2012 I came out as Furry and opened an account at the site Fur Affinity to follow them and write more Anthro centric journals that would be read just by that audience.

That account had an issue some five or more years ago that stopped it from running properly for along period and unexpectedly came back to life a few years so after a bit I resumed it but there was an issue that went back to the start.

As far as human gender identity went I was being pushed in many different directions and to use lots of different and contested terms and at that point I was pushed toward seeing myself as a female even if didn't wish for the status of an adult female: A Woman.

Over time it has become clearer that not only had I no interest in transition, only affording the adult side of being a female where I don't even see myself as mentally at least an adult and also as Little so curves and more adult activities are not front and centre.

That was reflected within those journals, back and forth, people blocking you off for disagreeing their own takes especially around things like "The Third Sex" and terms like "Sissy".

That's why I tore that down and established TammyGurl, going openly as Little Sissy Gurl and CatGurl not Little Girl and CatGirl, yes the "sissy" terms denoting being neither Girl or Boy by Gender but allied with a more feminine kind of Girl, she'd see as too full on.

A "Sissy" but from a Littles, child-like angle, talking about both the anthro and littles side just being honest about me.

I could of tried denying this until I'm blue in the face but this is so me.

And that's the truth

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