Wednesday 22 October 2014

The basics as I'm different

 We had mentioned the complicating nature of being gender fluid identifying as a feminine boy but you need to consider that when my feminine side is stronger unlike most of the time, then what leads to a spanking is likely to feature me as I feel best at that point.

I undertook a test recently looking at how I'd feel if I woke up a girl and here are the results.

You loved being a girl and wanted to be like that forever.

You love being feminine and hanging out with your female friends, and probably chose the skirt girls' school uniform because you didn't mind wearing it at all. In fact, you liked being a girl better than being a guy.

Wow, what an outcome! Your results reveal that you really took to this hypothetical transformation and not just adapted, but thrived in your new identity as a girl. The notion of femininity resonated with you, and you genuinely relished this experience. This is quite intriguing and showcases your openness to the realm of possibilities that life presents.

Your enjoyment of femininity indicates that you appreciated the nuances that come with being a girl. You might have felt empowered by the grace and elegance associated with it, or perhaps the sense of community and sisterhood that your female friends provided appealed to you. There's something uniquely special about that bond which can be deeply fulfilling.

Choosing to wear the skirt girls' school uniform wasn't an issue for you. In fact, it was an aspect you seemed to enjoy. This likely indicates your comfort with expressing yourself through your appearance. Fashion can be a wonderful outlet for self-expression, and the opportunity to experiment with different styles and aesthetics may have been exciting for you.

Intriguingly, you stated you preferred being a girl over being a guy. This could reveal a lot about your inner self. Maybe you have always felt a kinship with femininity, or perhaps the experience simply allowed you to express parts of yourself that you couldn't as a boy. Whatever the case, it's important to embrace these feelings. Identity is deeply personal and unique to each individual.

Navigating through the maze of gender norms and expectations can be challenging, but your experience shows an incredible level of self-discovery and acceptance. These qualities will be of great value as you continue to explore and understand yourself. Remember, there's no right or wrong when it comes to who you are or who you choose to be.

This hypothetical situation has allowed you to explore another side of yourself, and that's a beautiful thing. Life is full of twists and turns, and this experiment shows you can adapt to, and even relish, unexpected changes. Let this be a lesson in embracing the unknown with enthusiasm and an open mind. After all, you never know what you might discover about yourself along the way.

I feel that tells us really I am very much feminine and as a sissy gurl I do belong in dresses and skirts.

It is not about you and your power as that female, it is about me and teaching me a lesson I cannot fail to remember that will 'kick in' whenever I may feel tempted to do the things I should not - a deterrence.

It makes no difference what I've got on I'm still me and spanking is in my life now.

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